Monday, February 16, 2009

New Blog ...

Well, whats the need for a new Blog, when I already have one ?!

As the regular followers of LIFE must have observed, I usually post poems, songs etc; but it has also featured my first short story and a few articles. Few days back one of my friends asked me why don't I post stuff which are more "bloggish"; on that vein of thought I decided to open a new Blog. As it name suggests, I hope to make it limitless and post every thing and any thing except Poems and Songs; which will remain the sole feature of LIFE from now on. For the First Post here is a piece of my mind:

The Sunset, the evening, the distant sound of a temple bell ….. The butterfly, the colours, the soft breeze … the soothing silence …. Everything I see, everything I know is useless without something …. The ability to feel … that’s my ambition, my desire... that’s me!


  1. its at the url:

    Thanks for visiting ... !

  2. I have the true feeling of myself only when I am unbearably unhappy.

    Good luck for your new blog...!!

  3. thanks sophie ... "unbearably unhappy" .. yes, we usually don't care until we are made to think ..

  4. :) .. rightly said ... to keep feeling through out my life will require an effort ...

  5. hey som .. i too have separate blog for poems. :) *high five* for that... blogrolling this one too... i am wondering why wasnt I here before.. :) i will keep coming.. :)

  6. @Pink Orchid: We all discover things as we go on.. so better be late than never.
    *High Five*

    Keep visiting ..
